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Is Your Career Making You Sick?

Do you know that every thought you have impacts your body on a cellular level. So what are you thinking about your career on a daily basis?

If you’ve had a negative, recurring thought for longer than two weeks, it’s probably already starting to impact you physically, whether that’s through lack of sleep, or something deeper.

I often see people move into senior positions and when I catch up with them at the 6 and 12 month mark, I see visible changes and can tell if they’re managing, or if they’ve made the right career move.  The stress, the long hours, the after hours functions, the lack of planning for nutrition and exercise all take their toll.

So rethink what success means to you, and ask yourself some questions:

– What is your body trying to tell you? Ask it!

– Have you got any aches or pains in the body that won’t go away?

– Do you spend your spare time enjoying your spare time, or worrying about work?

– How is your sleep?

(and the scariest question)

– What are the ramifications of not changing?

What is one area you could start working on to make changes today? Start with small changes, just make a start. It could be that you change your language around your career. Ever heard someone say “This job is killing me”?  Our bodies are listening to everything we say, and reacting to it. Deepak Chopra talks about this in his book called Perfect Health, where he looks a quantum physics and how quickly a thought impacts the body at a cellular level.

Have a think about which area would have the biggest impact if you made changes? It’s amazing how getting some small wins can have a cascading effect.

Also have a look if your workplace is good for your health. There is one simple way to tell if your workplace culture is good for your health – how are your senior leaders shaping up??? Are they setting an example in their career which inspires others to want to follow in their footsteps? If the answer is no, then perhaps the change needs to start at the top.

If you want to see how you’re shaping up, take the Career Health Check Quiz here




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