How much hidden potential & wisdom is in your organisaiton?

What if you could help your current and future leaders harness their power and be fully who they are as they stand up to speak and lead?

Hello aspirational leader. 

You can see the hidden potential in your workforce and want to empower them to bring their wisdom to the table and share their ideas. Perhaps you can see:

  • future leaders who don’t have the confidence to step up and want to enable them.
  • women who are holding themselves back by not accepting invitations to present at events or speak on panels
  • leaders not sharing their stories to inspire and enrol others
  • people holding back from giving feedback that would improve your team’s performance.

This is why I lead WomanSpeak Circles within organisations, to help people bring their vision and contribution to the table to help transform organisations. 

I know you’re are looking for ways to

  • increase diversity in your leadership team
  • unlock the potential you see in your people that they may not see in themselves
  • help people overcome the fears and insecurities that are holding them back
  • create a culture that enables better communication and sharing of ideas


  • you can bring diversity of thought to the table
  • more ideas and innovation can be shared and inspired
  • you can help women to step up into leadership roles or progress their roles within your organisation
  • people can be more engaged in their careers and have a strong sense of contribution.

You’ve tried the typical coaching or public speaking approaches and are looking for something different. Something that will have a real impact.

You are in the right place.


Does this sound like you?

  • You’re looking for ways to develop your future leaders
  • You’re frustrated that there is so much hidden potential waiting to be unlocked that could make a real difference
  • You’re tired of investing in so much time and energy managing the impact of ineffective communication
  • You’re disappointed that the existing training you’re investing in just isn’t getting the results.

You're not alone

Imagine having

  • authentic leaders
  • increased effectiveness of communication across the organisation
  • improved client & stakeholder relationships
  • increased influence with clients and co-workers
  • a positive, connected culture 
  • people inspired to contribute to change
  • the ability to transform your organisation by people sharing their voice with confidence and influence
  • a group of grounded, authentic leaders
  • people sharing their ideas in a way that’s powerful and effective and knowing how to communicate them in a way that enrols others.
It definitely helped me to step more into my leadership. Doing this consistently every month just really does expand your leadership.

If you want to have an engaged, inspired and innovative workforce, with authentic, connected leadership, I have something for you.

WomanSpeak at Work

Two 6 week intensive training programs to help people learn the art and soul of projecting their message with confidence.

Here’s What You’ll Get

What you will get:

  • weekly or fortnightly circles: these are delivered in-house or off site ideally in person, but can also be delivered online. Each session is 2 hours duration.
  • Online Resources: participants receive access to various training videos before each fortnightly session which will teach you different skills to develop each month.
  • Workbook: participants also receive a workbook emailed to them with content for that month. 

INVESTMENT: Each package is customised for your organisation’s needs, contact me to discuss your requirements

Here’s the curriculum for the 6 week programs:

Level 1 Focuses on How to Clarify Your Message & Share It Powerfully

Week 1: Sharing What you Believe

Getting clear on your WHY is absolutely crucial in drawing people to your message and your work.

Week 2: The Change You Want To See In The World

What the challenge is that you want to help transform in the world.

Week 3: Sharing Your Most Powerful Ideas

We explore some of your most transformative ideas, the ones that can help people shift how they see the world.

Week 4: Sharing Your ‘Diamond’ Insight

We explore how to get clear on the MOST important, impactful idea to share when you are speaking up in a meeting, a conversation, or giving a talk/presentation.

Week 5: Leaving Your Legacy

We explore how to deliver a talk on the legacy you want to leave.

Week 6: How To Tell An Epic Story

We are going to play with the art of using your body to enhance your storytelling. When telling a story, you don’t just want to tell it with your words.

Here’s the curriculum for the 6 week programs:

Level 2 Focuses on How To Be Influential With Your Voice & Ideas

Week 1: The Heroine’s Journey

Becoming an incredible, engaging storyteller & speaker.

Week 2: The Art of the Authentic Ask

Creating clarity and bravery to ask for support or partnership in your vision.

Week 3: How to Give a ‘How To’ Talk

Positioning yourself as an expert. The world is hungry for people who can teach.

Week 4: The Art Of Speaking Spontaneously

Access your natural voice and the river of authenticity within you.

Week 5: How To Enroll People In Your Vision

Increase your ability to lead transformation. Create a movement of people who want to help you create the change you know is possible.

Week 6: The Art Of The Toast

Highlighting the qualities of people you want to honour, including storytelling to move people.

This is for organisations that want their people to:

  • improve their effectiveness and communication
  • step out of their comfort zone (in a safe space)
  • listen to, and support, each other in what they have to say
  • happily celebrate each other’s successes
  • give uninterrupted and undivided attention for duration of the 2 hour sessions
  • spend time out of session watching one or more videos with context for the theme and public speaking practice for that week
  • have fun while they learn new skills.

This is not for people who

  • are not prepared to step out of their comfort zone
  • think it’s a space to talk about anything and dominate the group
  • aren’t prepared to listen to other’s points of view or opinions
  • don’t want to engage fully
  • aren’t prepared to provide feedback in a way that inspires others to do their best.

Frequently Asked Questions

A: Ideally they are run live at a premises provided by the organisation, with possible virtual classes run depending on the location of various group members. 

A: A program can be scheduled any time with at least 3 week’s notice. 

A: Yes, we provide the structure for each class and the curriculum for that week, including links to the 1-2 training videos that will be shown in class. All you have to do is follow the curriculum

A: Each circle is up to 2 hours in duration (depending on group numbers) and 2 sessions are held each month.